Egg Freezing Secure your Future

What is oocyte Vitrification or Egg freezing?

Nearly all women - be it in India or otherwise dream about motherhood at some point in their lives. Gone are the days when people in villages used to get their sons and daughters married off in their teens. Far from it, today’s career oriented woman knows what she wants. Successful, head-strong and capable, today’s empowered lady knows her priorities and does not heed into familiar pressures of getting married when she’s not ready. Even after marrying, she knows exactly when she should become a mother so that she can climb the corporate ladder at her own speed. Many single women do not want to be in a hurtful relationship and those in a live-in do not want to commit too much too soon before they can be sure. For all these scenarios and many others, Egg freezing at Janini IVF, the best egg donation Treatment in Delhi NCR, is like the biggest God given gift that allows these women to live the life they always wanted

You control your job, your relationships, your education, etc. Why also not control your fertility?

How does Age affect Fertility?

The situations mentioned above are all commendable developments socially. But they’ve taken an important casualty in the process - Fertility. Indeed, today’s woman does not want to get married before 30. After marriage also the couple wants to wait it out till they are completely ready to start a family. Women’s fertility declines with age - this is due to reduction in quantity and quality of her oocytes (eggs). Again, It is a well-known fact that the woman’s age is the single most important determinant of success in an IVF program. By the time a woman realises that she wants to surely have a child of her own, it might be too late already. This is particularly relevant in this age of late marriages and pursuing careers.

Not only there is a decline in fertility, there is an age related decline in genetic health as well. Even if a woman with advanced age conceives, there is a much higher chance of that pregnancy going into a miscarriage or having a baby with congenital anomalies (abnormal baby). This is due to the fact that the meiotic spindle of an aged oocyte is unstable leading to abnormal segregation of chromosomes at the time of cell division. The reduced energy state of the cell because of inefficient mitochondria also play a role. All in all the result is lower fertility.

The Solution is Egg freezing when the time is right

Indeed, today, with the advent of an amazing technology one should take advantage of this new blessing to life. A decade ago the results of egg freezing not being encouraging, it was considered to be still ‘experimental’. It was in 2012 when the ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine) finally heeded to the excellent success and survival rates of oocyte vitrification and claimed it is no longer experimental, and should be offered as a viable, main-stream fertility treatment. One of the most prolifically experienced, skilled and expert embryologists of the country today is our chief embryologist, Dr Akanksha Mishra.The best infertility doctor in Delhi, She happens to be quite renowned as one of the coveted teachers of this technique to budding embryologists of the country. Having performed many thousands of egg freezing procedures over the last decade, she now has over 98% survival rates in Oocyte Vitrification - Thawing program.

Is Egg Freezing or Egg Banking for me?

Relationships are more fragile today than ever before. Breakups and heartaches are common. It is understandable that a woman prefers single-hood compared to a traumatic relationship. Even while staying in a relationship, she might not have the ‘clarity’ about long-term fulfilment. If suppose we freeze embryos made out of the partner’s sperm and her eggs, she might not want them or might not be able to use them as her ex won’t give her the consent. It is obvious that egg freezing avoids these potential problems from developing. Egg freezing gives an opportunity to avail fertility so that the woman can have her own genetic baby whenever she wishes to, without depending on anyone.

Today, Fertility Preservation is a truly empowering reproductive choice. You can pursue your career goals by freezing your eggs without worrying about starting a family early. You can avail Egg Freezing at the best IVF centre of Delhi, Janini IVF, if you are :-

  • If you are in the age group 24-38 and are unsure about your partner or are single
  • In a stable relationship but do not want to risk freezing embryos as that would mean your eggs are permanently ‘locked’ with his sperm
  • Patients diagnosed with cancer or are awaiting cancer therapy which would harm fertility
  • Recently divorced or awaiting divorce
  • Women with family history of premature ovarian failure or early menopause
  • If you are being operated for endometriosis, dermoid cysts, benign ovarian cysts, etc.
  • If you want to delay childbearing for later but do not want to risk the harmful effects of age on fertility

What are the chances of having a Baby with oocyte Freezing?

Almost as good as freezing embryos or as good as IVF with fresh eggs. Today with an extensive expertise and infrastructure, we at Janini IVF have over 99% survival of eggs after freezing-thawing. Interestingly, in the US, companies like Facebook offer Egg Freezing for their employees as a treatment method for preserving their fertility.

The babies born out of egg freezing techniques are as normal and healthy as natural birth babies. Essentially the baby is just like any baby that you would have otherwise had. The procedure as such is totally safe and it would not lead to any change in the genetic make-up of the offspring.

How is Egg Freezing or Oocyte Freezing done?

  • Schedule a consultation with our fertility specialists Dr Dalal and Dr Mishra for a one-to-one discussion
  • We will discuss your history and fertility goals for the future
  • You might be advised a few tests and an Ultrasound to evaluate you thoroughly
  • Ovarian stimulation will be started on day 1/2 of menses or immediately depending on your situation. You will be required to visit the clinic about 3-4 times.
  • After roughly about 10-12 days we will do the Oocyte pick-up or Egg retrieval procedure under anaesthesia. This is totally painless and you will recover quickly in just a few hours.
  • Depending on your ovarian response to stimulation we will try to harvest more than one egg to maximise your conception chances in the future.
  • All the eggs will be Cryo-preserved (frozen) in liquid Nitrogen and will be safe until you decide to use them
  • You can use them either with your future partner’s sperms or can go for an anonymous sperm donor if you wish to become a single mother.

How are the Eggs Frozen?

  • Our highly competent and trained embryologists under the able guidance of Dr Akanksha Mishra will Cryo-preserve your eggs with an advanced procedure called Vitrification.
  • Vitrification is the latest and most effective method which virtually eliminates any chances of injury to the eggs from the formation of ice crystals like how it happened in the earlier slow-freeze method.
  • All the eggs are loaded in a special Cryo-container and kept in special tanks safely
  • Janini IVF cryopreservation and storage facility involves nothing but the most stringent quality control checks, fault-resistant storage, alarm systems, 24/7 remote monitoring and enhanced security. Your eggs will be safe for as long as your desire and that is our commitment.

Till how long can the Eggs be Frozen?

Short answer - for as long as you like. Long answer - there have been published studies depicting live births from eggs and embryos frozen more than a decade. Today, the results of Vitrification technique are nothing short of a miracle. We can safely say that storage of eggs or embryos for many years also would not cause any damage to their condition.

What is the ideal number of Eggs Frozen?

At Janini IVF, providing the best infertility treatment in Delhi NCR, we have the best results with egg freezing program in Delhi. For women less than 38 years of age one can expect over 98% survival rate of eggs after freezing - thawing. These eggs would have over 80% fertilisation rate after ICSI. In spite of these encouraging numbers we at Janini IVF target at least 8 mature eggs to be frozen so that we can give you a realistic chance of a healthy, live born infant after you decide to use those eggs when you are ready.

Is Egg Freezing Safe?

Oocyte Cryo-preservation or egg freezing is totally safe for you and the baby born as a result.

Janini IVF stands tall and feels proud in empowering women to have more freedom when it comes to deciding their fertility for themselves. Without facilities like egg freezing, such women had no choice but to go for adoption or egg donation. But now, with impeccable success rates and some of the best embryologists of the country, Janini IVF, the best IVF center in Delhi, offers you a technique which will help you conceive anytime in the future whenever you feel comfortable about it. Our motto is to have women believe they are in control of their bodies and their fertility, which they should be.

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Contact Us

Janini IVF
A3/12, First Floor Paschim Vihar, New delhi - 110063
+91 9717 99 66 55
011-25 25 66 55

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